Tag: live

Geek Cast Live 9.393: Creole Porn Names

Our yearly episode wherein we discuss what the topic of next week’s episode is going to be.  Imagine if we just kept doing that.  Never actually getting to the topic but constantly talking about the next week.  Might be as popular as our new celerity hocrux podcast.  Who knows.  Anyway enjoy the show. Plugs and […]

Geek Cast Live 8.386 : Oops All SKA

Its the last episode of season 8 and boy is it wonderful!  Not the episode itself.  Its awful.  way to many long pauses and disjointed conversations.  What’s wonderful is that it means this year is over.  Wait what’s that? You’re saying we still have a week left oft his shit?  *sighs* Plugs and Amazing Folks […]

Geek Cast Live 8.380 : Pussy Posse Law

ASAP and Mark , our most favorite guests of all time, join us for a discussion about their latest venture. A anthology of comics , short stories , and artwork!  We also discus the use of ,commas,in,fiction,writing,and ,when,and,when, not,to, use,them.  Its exhilarating. Plugs and Amazing Folks Check out the Twitch stream here! Check out our […]