Tag: Podcast

Geek Cast Live 9.397: Decadently Analog

  This week we have Jordan Rannells come on the show and absolutely blow us away.  His Kickstarter is well under way, and he gives us all the sweet sweet deets.  Friendships are made, ships are sunk, saddles all shined up for that quick little stop in Oklahoma City where, lord willing, ill finally take […]

Geek Cast Live 9.395 : Cumgrunt

The Geek Madness Brackets have been revealed!  There are surprises! Moments that will shake you to your very core! Gorillas! Well maybe no gorillas but hell who cares right? Be sure to weigh in on who you think the overall number 1 seed is.  Otherwise Nic is going to be correct and we just don’t […]

Geek Cast Live 9.393: Creole Porn Names

Our yearly episode wherein we discuss what the topic of next week’s episode is going to be.  Imagine if we just kept doing that.  Never actually getting to the topic but constantly talking about the next week.  Might be as popular as our new celerity hocrux podcast.  Who knows.  Anyway enjoy the show. Plugs and […]