Geek Cast Live 7.301 : The Sean Connery Smut Hour

It has been awhile since we have guests. So to make up for it this week we had four. The entire crew from Flavor Text Adventures jumped on with us this week to discuss the many levels of their current group endeavor. We laugh , we cry, we summon Burt Reynolds in this unreal start to the 300’s. Remember to follow the link to vote in the round of 32. The final four teams get a shirt made. Haphazardly.

Here are the links for the various crew (that were on the podcast):

Flavor Text Adventures: @ChefAltonGreen

Cave Geek Art (Kfir Mendel)
Fantasy Maps, Custom commissions welcome.
http://www.cavegeekart.com @CaveGeekArt  

Mike Ficarra
Fantasy/Comic artist, graphic designer, commissions welcome.

Joby Dorr
Fantasy artist, Tattoo artist  Illustrator, commissions welcome.

Alex BatesFantasy/RPG/Comics Author, Miniature sculpture/producer

Plugs and Amazing Folks

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Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

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Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

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