Tag: Nic

Geek Cast Live 9.429: Methvanigan 3

With Rob Bass and Nico both searching the earth for lost antiquities GCR and Cartoon joe had to put in some work.  So, they did.  During the day.  While GCR was in his work van.  Thats right kids, METHVANIGAN !!! What follows is 30 or so minutes worth of disgruntled talk about Warner Brothers, animation, […]

GCL Presents TL/DL 3: Pork

GCR bought himself a pig.  He now has a freezer filled with pork and no idea what he’s going to do with it all.  This is that discussion.  I think they talk about other things as well but who knows for sure with these rapscallions?! https://nextchapters.com/ Code: FlagSteakOzone Get some cool merch @ http://GCL.Threadless.com Plugs and Amazing […]

Geek Cast Live 9.428: Down With Big Soup

Sans Nic again the GCL crew do what they do best.  Nonsensically talk into their microphones in a vain attempt to make themselves laugh.  You really should pity us.  But not as much as the lonely cyckholded cowboy pities himself.  For that is a depth of depression only the void could understand. https://nextchapters.com/ Code: FlagSteakOzone Get […]

Geek Cast Live 9.426: Castle Dreams – The Girl With Two Legs

This week the Geek Cast crew drink deep the mushroom tea and descend into the weird world of Castle Dreams. Cryptids, romance, high school angst, and disestablishmentarianism are rolled up into a undeniably weird package with potential for charm and uncomfortable wit. If you, listener/reader, wish to join in the merrymaking and fun times check […]