This week the Geek Cast crew leave Nic at a truck stop and pick up a pair of hitch hikers. Coming all the way from the East Coast (arguably the worse of two coasts), the crew have ASAP and Mark from Wayward Raven! They talk their new comic, lament on the lack of conventions, and […]
Tag: geek
Geek Cast Live 7.328 : Cuckold The Pope
Ever walk aimlessly through a grocery store? You don’t know what you want for dinner so you fill your cart with junk foods you will regret eating later. Toto’s Africa is wordlessly playing just loud enough to hear over the speakers. Anyway that pretty much sums up this episode. Vote and be active, people. Plugs […]
Geek Cast Live 7.325 : Chunky Messiah
Nic takes a regular bank holiday. This allows us to talk about his least favorite subject without him. Now I know what you are thinking. You guys spent and entire hour and twenty minutes talking about mushroom hunting? No you vondrukes! We talk about fucking DUNE! Bass does his best to teach GCR about it […]
Geek Cast Live 7.323 : The Ass Is The Castle Of The Body
This episode is a tour de force. Chris Dalby, Man of the World, joins us and regales us with tales from afar. There is crime, Chinese operatives, poison, and deadly women assassins. But most importantly is his ability to bring us together with the author of Castle Dreams the erotic YA fiction extravaganza and soon […]
Geek Cast Live 7.321 : Stroke Joke
We haven’t had a 90 minute episode in awhile so this was a fun one. We spent the first half of the show talking Umbrella Academy season 2. GCR & Cartoon J hearken back to the olden days and give a spoiler free hashtag only review. This is expertly segued into our main event , […]
Geek Cast Live 7.320: Yeet Dragon
The return of sports and Hollywood pedophiles are set up and knocked back down again in this weeks episode of nothing happens. Without Nic the crew kind of runs amok. They spread their verbal seed throughout the inter webs hoping to eventually create a Gollum hellbent on destroying earth. Anyway…Defund the police. Black Lives Matter. […]
Geek Cast Live 7.319 : Prussian Doug Stanhope
This week the Geek Cast Crew reminisce about Gencons of the past. They take turns talking Nic into going and then quickly talking him back out of it . Something about body odor and Communicable diseases. It’s another poorly planned out house of our lives laid bare for all to see. Defund the police. Black […]
Geek Cast Live 7:317 : The Fish Of Enlightenment
This week we are not only down Cartoon Joe but our guest doesn’t make it either. This leaves the intrepid crew of the USS Podcast unphased as they forge ahead into the world of terrible movie reviews and cinematic blockbuster Days of Thunder. We still have no idea why you listen but thanks for it […]
Geek Cast Live 7.315 : Civilized Wasp Anus
This week, on GCR’s dream episode , we unleash yet another bracket of absurdity. THE FAKE STEVEN SEAGAL MOVIE NAME BRACKET!!!!!!!!!!! We lay down 64 of the best Seagal-esque fake names and movies in the world. A masterpiece of podcast that hasn’t been seen yet and a better podcast just released a new episode ….dammit. […]
Geek Cast Live 7.313 : Apples For The Beth Of Us
In an effort to shakes things up, and maybe pull ourselves out of the hellscape, we play a little game. We pick our rosters for the never to be seen Westeros vs Middle Earth arcade fighter! Think Marvel / Capcom. Anyway we try our best. Enjoy this never imitated always disappointing podcast. Oh and we […]