Tag: GCR

Geek Cast Live 10.451: The Orca OF Pandora

Avavtar 2 the reckoning.  that’s what it could have been called.  It was something worth discussing and so, we discussed it.  Youd think we were all at odds about everything. Maybe we are…youll have to just listen. FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR SOME AWESOME FLAGS FROM FLAGS FOR GOOD !!! Get some cool merch @ http://GCL.Threadless.com Plugs […]

Geek Cast Live 10.447: Lightning Is Bisexual

  Lightning scientist Liz DiGangi brings the thunder this week.  She teaches us all about magnetism and super-heated water.  We dip our toes into the exotic volcanic bead business.  It’s hot. FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR SOME AWESOME FLAGS FROM FLAGS FOR GOOD !!! Get some cool merch @ http://GCL.Threadless.com Plugs and Amazing Folks Check out the […]

Geek Cast Live 10.445: Reverse Pennyfarthing

Its Elon Musks world baby and all we got was this self-imploding hellhole!!! Or in other words, Cartoon Joe did some work and presents an essay (with minimal interruptions) on the debacle that is twitters current state of verification. FOLLOW THIS LINK FOR SOME AWESOME FLAGS FROM FLAGS FOR GOOD !!! Get some cool merch […]

Geek Cast Live 10.443: Cold Howard Cash

Rob Bass was of this week and while we could have talked about Warhammer or dubstep without him, we decided not to.  This left us with very little nonpolitical topics.  So, we did what felt right.  A Bantercast Babay!!! So buckle up and get your never-ending pint of beer. This is Geek Cast Live! FOLLOW […]