We thought it be a raucous debate about what this year’s bracket challenge should be. Turns out all it took was one suggestion by Bass to make us all come around. buckle up for an hour of nothing as 4 grown men talk about …nothing. Get some cool merch @ http://GCL.Threadless.com Plugs and Amazing Folks Check […]
Tag: comedy
Geek Cast Live 10.435: Italian Beef Quest
Its early season 10. Things are different. We start each show talking about things that make us smile, bring us joy. We talk about NERF guns and Fred Durst in the very same episode. Look, the show is evolving. Time will tell if the results will be more Cocaine or Annihilation bear. Get some cool […]
Geek Cast Live 10.344: Haunted By The Lesser Tesla
We switched over to Zoom this week cause Discord Criag was being a real dirtbag. What followed was a somehow disjointed but eclectic rambling only this time on video. This might have changed the game for us, the votes still out. Any way we talk about Aliens and UFO’s or AVP’s or whatever we call […]
Geek Cast Live 10.433: Bogchort’s Legends
This week Ry and Nic left to go ice fishing in the arctic, but as of today have not had any luck finding any ice. Joe and Rob decide to play while the boys are away. Buckle up. Get some cool merch @ http://GCL.Threadless.com Plugs and Amazing Folks Check out the Twitch stream here! Check out […]
Geek Cast Live 10.432: A Rock Wall for Every Senior
This week the Geek Cast crew reunite to discuss the important issues in American society. For instance, why don’t we, as Americans, have more rock walls for the elderly? They’re great exercise, tons of fun, and everyone loves a rock wall. There is no reason we aren’t doing this. So anyway, then the crew talks […]
Geek Cast Live 10.431: The Season Of Full Sends
Your favorite collection of knowledgeable dipshits is back for the unheard-of SEASON 10! Can you feel it? Like, it just feels …right, doesn’t it?! Our only promise to you is that we are going to do our best this season to keep this podcast as nontoxic and positive as it can be. Tis the season […]
Geek Cast Live 9.430: Bred For Milk Smelling
Hey Hey!! Thew Geek Cast Live Crew is back together for the first time in what seems like 14 weeks. What great timing too! You see they actually received an idea, a prompt if you will, from a listener! They said hey GCL you are some funny guys think you could spend 30 minutes creating […]
Geek Cast Live 9.429: Methvanigan 3
With Rob Bass and Nico both searching the earth for lost antiquities GCR and Cartoon joe had to put in some work. So, they did. During the day. While GCR was in his work van. Thats right kids, METHVANIGAN !!! What follows is 30 or so minutes worth of disgruntled talk about Warner Brothers, animation, […]
GCL Presents TL/DL 3: Pork
GCR bought himself a pig. He now has a freezer filled with pork and no idea what he’s going to do with it all. This is that discussion. I think they talk about other things as well but who knows for sure with these rapscallions?! https://nextchapters.com/ Code: FlagSteakOzone Get some cool merch @ http://GCL.Threadless.com Plugs and Amazing […]
Geek Cast Live 9.428: Down With Big Soup
Sans Nic again the GCL crew do what they do best. Nonsensically talk into their microphones in a vain attempt to make themselves laugh. You really should pity us. But not as much as the lonely cyckholded cowboy pities himself. For that is a depth of depression only the void could understand. https://nextchapters.com/ Code: FlagSteakOzone Get […]