Tag: Cartoon Joe

Geek Cast Live 7.315 : Civilized Wasp Anus

This week, on GCR’s dream episode , we unleash yet another bracket of absurdity. THE FAKE STEVEN SEAGAL MOVIE NAME BRACKET!!!!!!!!!!! We lay down 64 of the best Seagal-esque fake names and movies in the world. A masterpiece of podcast that hasn’t been seen yet and a better podcast just released a new episode ….dammit. […]

Geek Cast Live 7.311 : Hoof Poison

#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR THE BRACKET OF BRACKETS CHALLENGE!!!  [woobox offer=’vcvdtj’] Plugs and Amazing Folks Check out the Twitch stream here! Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click! Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!! Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network Be sure […]

Geek Cast Live 7.307 : Snake Draft

In the search for more content the crew decides to double down on another bracket challenge. However they weren’t able to choose the topic of said bracket. So they did the only thing left for them to do. Create a bracket full of ideas for the bracket we want to do next. Convoluted? Sure. Harder […]