Geek Cast Live 7.312: Knight Moves


This week the Geek Cast crew dive into the hotly contested arena of tournament chess. As a battle of wits (and attention span) ensues, our heroes must fan cast and plot the course for a live action adaptation of Rick & Morty! Will our heroes succeed upon their quest, bringing money to handfuls and saving few? Or will their attention be swept up by whatever the next thing is? Tune in on this episode of Dragon. Ball. Z!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

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Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.Audio Player

Geek Cast Live 7.311 : Hoof Poison

#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter#BlackLivesMatter #BlackLivesMatter


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Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

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Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Geek Cast Live 7.310: Fingers for Thumbs

This week the Geek Cast crew dabble in a variety of games. Nic and Ry clash in an epic game of chess, that’s played on a presumably invisible board. Bass tries to teach the fundamentals of cock magic, and Cartoon Joe is in the midst of training some sex raccoons. Thanks for tuning in. Remember that Black Lives Matter, and you should support your local rioters.

Depression can’t stop you if you’re the fastest draw in the West.

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

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Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.Audio Player

Geek Cast Live 7.309 : The Crisis Of Infinite Nics

This week we dive face first into the glut of geek news that has been assaulting us with knives hellbent on finding our delicious organs. This news wants nothing more than to murder us in a urinal. Harvesting our kidneys for the black market. Also Starbuck is gonna be in season 2 of the Mandalorian so that’s cool.


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Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.Audio Player

Geek Cast Live 7.308 : Piss Of The Wolf Moon

Our main segment was going to really dive deep into the comic book universe we have created. Share the ins and outs, who the major players are etc etc etc. Instead we somehow hard pivot into a world were David Lynch directed Lord Of The Rings. #Buckwild


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Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Geek Cast Live 7.307 : Snake Draft

In the search for more content the crew decides to double down on another bracket challenge. However they weren’t able to choose the topic of said bracket. So they did the only thing left for them to do. Create a bracket full of ideas for the bracket we want to do next. Convoluted? Sure. Harder than it should have been? Of course. Perfectly , naturally a Geek Cast Live thing to do? You Betcha.

Also congrats to Ham Shart for being the best fake band name. Thanks for voting everyone.


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Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.Audio PlayerAudio PlayerAudio Player

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.Audio Player

Geek Cast Live 7.306 : Russian Krav Maga

Its a full on throat punch of a banter cast this week as the guys cover a little bit of everything. Sometime we are funny on the internet. Sometimes we produce an hours worth of worthless drivel as a way to cure our quarantine blues. Sometimes we just want to talk about old books and D&D. Shame on us i guess.

Check out the In Search Of Tomorrow Kickstarter. Click the link below!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.Audio PlayerAudio PlayerAudio Player

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.Audio PlayerAudio Player

Geek Cast Live 7.305 : Werewolves & Cocaine

This week we have an awesome discussion about 80’s SciFi with Jessica Dwyer. We talk about booking documentary guests , friend of the show Billy Zane is mentioned, and we do our best to talk GCR into backing the In Search Of Tomorrow Kickstarter. Its all here in this riveting new episode of Geek Cast Live.


Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.Audio PlayerAudio PlayerAudio Player

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.Audio Player

Geek Cast Live 7.304 : Non Consensual Tickle Match

We bring on Geek Gurl Jo’s husband Martin and wax poetic about his new D&D campaign. After checking all the necessary boxes we smoothly pivot into the world of tickle sex, and at Nic’s request, pegging. It gets deep, mildly awkward, and very tactile. You can almost taste it. All this and more in yet another episode of noting. DON’T FORGET TO VOTE FOR YOUR FAVORITE FAKE BAND LEFT STANDING!!!

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.Audio PlayerAudio PlayerAudio Player

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Level Up! Quarantine Content : Inside Jokes Only.

GCR invites a collection of his friends to join him on a podcast rather than their weekly Zoom. What follows is that. They take a deep dive into Foley work and talk about tornados and jizz. Natch.

Plugs and Amazing Folks

Check out the Twitch stream here!

Check out the Movie Podcast Network with just a click!

Check out Poprika using the nifty little link just below this sentence!!

Check out The Movie Podcast Network @ Movie Podcast Network

Be sure to check out our Patreon

Check out this amazing charity! Operation Supply Drop Follow their twitter: @OperationSupplyDrop

Be sure to hit up the Wayward Ravens and check out their store be sure to use our discount code on their purchases! DC: neckbeard

Get yourselves some damn good coffee at Player One Coffee! DC : Geek Cast Live

Tweet the Geek Cast @GeekCastLive @GeekCastBass @GeekCastJoe@GeekCastRy

Related Websites For all the in’s and out’s this on the Geek Cast Crew: Geek Cast Live Check out G2V Podcast, Dungeons and Randomness, and Movie Podcast Weekly because they’re awesome. Duh.

Danger Johnson, Brandon Rust, Kelly Shuttlewood, Polinerds, Lada Bartova , & Jesse G Letourneau.

Shout Out To Our Patreon Supporters! Every penny brings us one step closer to destroying the moon.Audio PlayerAudio Player